
God calls all the Christian faithful in the church to different states of life, so that the salvation of the world may be advanced by means of personal holiness. Each person must respond to God's call in a spirit of free will, which is rooted in Baptism, so that the dignity of the human person may be in harmony with the will of God.

We cordially welcome you to work together with PMC actively to foster vocations, moved by the desire to carry out God's plan according to the Charism. Let us take utmost care to discern and cultivate genuine vocations by the example of lives, prayers, and, words of PMCs.

Let us actively promote various forms of pastoral apostolate for vocations, especially among groups closer to the spirit of our Institute, keeping in mind that better results are obtained when a member is assigned to promote and coordinate the apostolate of vocations. In this way, may we work with God who calls and chooses those he wishes and thereby contribute to the good of the Church.

Secular Life

Peace Makers of Christo (PMC) is a secular institution. It calls on its members - clerics, single laymen, and women - to discover the will of God, to be faithful to it, cherish it and accomplish it. PMC is subject to the Holy See and the jurisdiction of the local Ordinary, according to the norms of Church Law. PMC commits its members to a common apostolic project: to establish the Kingdom of God within themselves, in their own milieu, and wherever Christ has his rights, and to strive to achieve these aims through their consecration in the midst of the world.

PMC Members


  • Admission to Our Life
  • Aspirancy
  • Probation
  • Profession
  • Permanent Membership
  • Ongoing-Formation

Spiritual Life

We as members of PMC would like to make a covenant of love with God the Father. And the covenant of love we live needs to be constantly animated and deepened. We strive to constantly walk in the presence of God by seeing God everywhere in faith, carrying on a loving dialog with God, and making sacrifices for God out of faith and love. The apostolate likewise urges us to strive for sanctity.

PMC Members

Spiritual Exercise

Each member of the PMC develops a life of intimacy with the Lord through daily prayer and consecrates oneself to the will of the Father through the following spiritual exercises:

  • Silent Meditation,
  • Reading and Contemplating the word of God,
  • Celebrating the Holy Eucharist,
  • Frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament,
  • Silent thanksgiving adoration

Consecrated Life

In consecration, we selflessly choose to observe the counsel of Christ to follow him in obedience, poverty, and chastity, and adopt the form of consecrated life proper to the institute, which should help us live out our vocation. In this way, we want to imitate the undivided devotion of Christ to the Father and his kingdom and his total disability for all men.

Wholehearted Obedience

Jesus, the Servant of the Lord, emptied Himself, becoming obedient even unto death on a cross, and because of this, He was exalted as Lord over all. In this way, freeing us from slavery to sin, He revealed to us that human freedom is a journey of obedience to the Father's will and that obedience is a journey in which true freedom is gradually attained.

Voluntary Poverty

Jesus, the Most High Son of God, though rich, chose to be poor in this world so that we might be enriched by His poverty. Jesus received everything from His Father; so we also look to our Father in heaven to care for all our needs. Freed from concern about providing for ourselves, we are able to seek the Kingdom in joy, being wholly available for God and others.

PMC Members

Pure Chastity

God our Father, through the precious gift of the Holy Spirit given in the Church, has espoused us to His Only Begotten Son. In consecrated chastity, we "love Him in complete surrender" Who gave Himself entirely for us.

Associate Members

Peace Makers of Christo offers sacramentally married couples and unmarried persons who desire to live their baptismal faith, a way to Christian perfection and evangelical witness in their own milieu, by being associate members of the Institute.

Way of Life

  • An apostolic project common to all in the Institute;
  • Team life;
  • A spirituality centered on a life of active charity;
  • A commitment to evangelical radicalism;
  • Sharing in the life and governance of the Institute.


  • Admission
  • Aspirancy
  • Probation
  • Commitment
  • Permanence

Join Us

If you feel God's call in you to join PMC as a Member (Priest / Nun) or as an Associate Member (Married Couples / Unmarried Persons), kindly contact us